Chances are, you know someone who has a substance use disease (SUD), whether drugs or alcohol, or both. Whether a family member, a friend, coworker, someone at the club or team or member of your church, everyone today seems to know someone who struggles with addiction. The entire community benefits when someone with an SUD finds treatment and experiences the rewards of a fulfilling life in recovery. That’s where we come in…
Leigh Leckerman
Help Us Help Others A Lifeline to Drug & Alcohol Recovery

Leigh Leckerman lost her life because of alcohol in 2003. In 2012, her family established the Leigh Leckerman Foundation, to provide funding for those who would like to beat their drug or alcohol addiction, but do not have the personal resources to pay for rehabilitation facility.
Here are the facts:
- The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and alcohol use disorder (AUD) kill over 3 million people each year, accounting for up to 6% of global deaths.
- 141,000 Americans die from the effects of alcohol in an average year. 1-in-10 Americans over the age of 12 have Alcohol Use Disorder.
- Every day, 385 Americans die because of excessive alcohol use.
- The age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths increased from 8.2 deaths per 100,000 standard population in 2002 to 32.6 in 2022.
- In 2022, 73,654 people died from a fentanyl overdose in the US. It was the underlying cause of nearly 70% of drug overdose deaths.
- Pennsylvania alone estimates 4,377 overdose deaths per year; that is 3.25% of all deaths caused by drug overdose—the overdose death rate is 35.6 deaths out of every 100,000 residents which is 71.98% higher than the national average and 6.22% of all nationwide overdose deaths.

Everybody knows somebody whose lives have been affected by substance (drugs) and alcohol.
The Leigh Leckerman Foundation is a gateway to much needed services with a vast growing network of service providers across the country. These services include inpatient/outpatient treatment, and housing. We work with hospitals, institutions, county and government entities as well as (DOC) department of corcorrections. We work with Union officials as well as First Responders and others.
Our Missions
The Leigh Leckerman Foundation was created to honor the memory of a lovely young woman who lost her life to alcohol. It is dedicated to helping others take the first step to recovery at any of our partner drug & alcohol addiction treatment facilities, on the east coast or across the country.
On Dec 6 2019 I walked into Livengrin, I was sick tired and a broken shell of a person. I wanted my life back and my family. I’d been lost for a few years. I had insurance through my husband’s work, but it would only cover me for 2 days after detox. I wanted to do the full 28 days. I was blessed to receive a scholarship from The Leigh Leckerman Foundation. I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for this foundation.
—Beth Leber
“The disease of addiction and alcoholism was generational. I grew up in it.
It was 2019 and I had exhausted all options. I ruined all relationships. Burned all bridges. I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering. Was there ever a way out?
I was tired of chasing after the next high, but I had no control over stopping. I had spurts of sobriety here and there over the decade and a half that I had been drinking/using but I could never stay stopped.
I was soon to be 26 that October of 2019 with absolutely no hope or strength left in me. It was the first time in my life where I desperately wanted help but had no answer on where to find it. I had no money or insurance, was lett absolutely battled. I did not know why my will power could not stoo me from getting high or drunk. It brought me a 4.0 GPA in college, varsity sports’ leadership in high school, scholarships, awards, etc. My will power could not bring me sustained sobriety.
I was walking home alone one night from geting what I needed to be well, and I said out loud to anything that would hear it, “I can’t do this. I need help.” What would transpire from the point forward would be nothing short of what I call today. ‘Divine Intervention.’
A girl who went to my high school messaged me and asked if I was struggling. I told her every one of a hundred alibis, but she was familiar with this song and dance and knew the exact questions to ask. She listened. She understood. And she gave me an opportunity to change my life. She was in close contact with scholarships that the Leckerman Foundation provides to a select group of individuals to get into drug rehabilitation. I had never been to treatment.
She had no clue if I would stay sober. The Foundation graciously paid for my detox in treatment when I could not rub two pennies together. They had no clue who I was or the terrible things that I may or may not have done. They just gave me a chance. They bet on me no matter what the statistics were of me gettng this thing.
Fast forward over four years later, now I have the honor and privilege of carrying the torch to those who are still sick and are ignorant to a better way to live.”
— Anthony

Our Sponsors

Frequently Asked Questions
What information will I need to request help?
Wherever possible, please have as much of the following information available to make processing your request for assistance as fast as possible.
___ Legal first name, middle name, last name?*
___ Maiden name, aliases if any?
___ Birth date?*
___ U.S. Citizen? Other citizenship?
___ Social Security number?*
___ Drivers License number/Gov’t I.D.? State?
___ Email address?
___ Cell phone number?
How can I donate?
No one should have to continue the downward spiral of addiction simply because they cannot afford treatment.
To donate click here.
Where can I get help?
Our Resources page is full of phone numbers for contact information for those seeling help.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes. The Leigh Leckerman Foundation is a Section 501(c)(3) public charity. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 83-3474381. Contributions to The Leigh Leckerman Foundation are deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Click here to donate.